Image masking and cataloguing suite
Breizorro is a flexible software program made to simplify image analysis tasks, including identifying emission islands and generating and modifying image masks, which are frequently used in radio interferometric imaging.
breizorro [options] --restored-image restored_image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r IMAGE, --restored-image IMAGE
Restored image file from which to build mask
-m MASK, --mask-image MASK
Input mask file(s). Either --restored-image or --mask-
image must be specfied.
Sigma threshold for masking (default = 6.5)
-b BOXSIZE, --boxsize BOXSIZE
Box size over which to compute stats (default = 50)
--savenoise Enable to export noise image as FITS file (default=do
not save noise image)
--merge MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
Merge in one or more masks or region files
--subtract MASK(s)|REG(s) [MASK(s)|REG(s) ...]
Subract one or more masks or region files
--number-islands Number the islands detected (default=do not number
--remove-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
List of islands to remove from input mask. e.g.
--remove-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
If an island specified by coordinates does not exist,
do not throw an error
--extract-islands N|COORD [N|COORD ...]
List of islands to extract from input mask. e.g.
--extract-islands 1 18 20 20h10m13s,14d15m20s
--minimum-size MINSIZE
Remove islands that have areas fewer than or equal to
the specified number of pixels
--make-binary Replace all island numbers with 1
--invert Invert the mask
--dilate R Apply dilation with a radius of R pixels
--erode N Apply N iterations of erosion
--fill-holes Fill holes (i.e. entirely closed regions) in mask
--sum-peak SUM_PEAK Sum to peak ratio of flux islands to mask in original
image.e.g. --sum-peak 100 will mask everything with a
ratio above 100
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Suffix for mask image (default based on input name
--gui Open mask in gui.
Breizorro uses the minimal filter to generate binary masks by replacing each pixel’s value with the lowest value found in its near vicinity. This is incredibly effective at reducing noise and highlighting or smoothing particular regions of an image, such as the regions surrounding bright or small sources. Users can specify a window (or kernel) of a specific size that moves over the image as well as a sigma threshold for masking.
breizorro -t 6.5 -b 50 -r circinus-MFS-image.fits
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --sum-peak 500
Breizorro makes it easier to create and work with regions using image masks. It includes labeling, eliminating, extracting, and filtering regions (islands) based on user-specified criteria. Users can refine their regions of interest using techniques such as erosion, dilation, hole-filling, binary masking, and inversion.
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-regions circinus.reg
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --merge west.reg --dilate 1 --fill-holes
Breizorro enables catalog generation from extracted regions, saving source properties to an ASCII/text file.
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt
# processing fits image: circinus-MFS-image.fits
# mean beam size (arcsec): 37.97
# original image peak flux (Jy/beam): 0.768315315246582
# noise out (μJy/beam): 737.33
# cutt-off flux (mJy/beam): 4.79
# freq0 (Hz): 1419944335.9375
# number of sources detected: 35
#format: name ra_d dec_d i i_err emaj_s emin_s pa_d
src0 -147.88904620760084 -65.52043870236054 0.00468 0.0001 50.04 0.0 177.71
src1 -147.84162114219356 -65.44040921224196 0.00047 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
src2 -147.7980562104931 -65.39402001087845 0.00089 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
src3 -147.74069959466678 -65.08592423258469 0.0082 0.0001 51.61 0.0 144.46
src4 -147.6583486798732 -65.28753961408073 0.09922 0.0001 86.58 0.0 -173.37
src5 -147.59829620974554 -65.28104296056243 0.00629 0.0001 47.07 0.0 167.74
src6 -147.51788583319714 -65.72316001301358 0.06639 0.0001 71.47 0.0 162.07
src7 -147.49179712006742 -64.88584736668952 0.00092 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
src8 -147.42970139783463 -65.65050232604096 0.00069 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
src9 -147.4293961973031 -65.44158144271519 0.00134 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
src10 -147.28370646739054 -65.42936506202037 9e-05 0.0001 0.0 0.0 0.0
breizorro -r circinus-MFS-image.fits --save-catalog circinus.txt --gui
For a live demo of the viewer, visit: breiz-viewer
Thank you to the people who have contributed to this project.